Fortunately we have some wonderful suppliers who do care about the environment with what they produce. Lavender Lane comes to mind. They don't have a paper catalog, all of their products are on-line. They've been supplying bottles, jars, packages, oils and special kits for many years. I first met and got acquainted with the owner, Donna, at an herb conference almost two decades ago. I list them in the Sources section of many of my herb books for folks who are in herb-related businesses, simply because Lavender Lane will sell you just one bottle, or a thousand. Thanks, Lavender Lane, we appreciate what you do!
Evening Shade Farms, the nice folks who make our bug-repelling soaps for us, along with other specialty products, are just great folks to know. They have a simple, recyclable catalog, sent out once a year, with a website and fast, personal service. They care about the environment as much as we do. They use their own organically grown herbs and their own goats milk in their soap. I first met the owner, Gayl Bousman, at a Small Farm Conference, again almost two decades ago. Check out their website and if you ask for a catalog, Gayl won't send you pound and half catalog 30 times a year, I promise! (They sell both retail and wholesale).
And the folks at The HerbPharm are also fantastic to work with. I first met "Herbal Ed" Smith, the founder, at an International Herb Association conference back in the late '80s. He was presenting a program about marketing, both the ethics of what you produce and how it effects people, along with how to price and market what you make. I credit Herbal Ed for opening my eyes to the philosophies of ethical marketing. Their company supplies us with Spilanthes-Usnea Tincture, which we sell as an additional product to our Herbal Nail Fungus Soak, for people with especially difficult nail fungus. (You probably know, any gardener who digs in the ground, eventually will encounter nail fungus). So, to Herbal Ed and all the folks at The HerbPharm, thank you for the outstanding service this year.
One more ranting "award," which has little to do with my garden, and you will will laugh, but bad juju on the Ocean Spray people for ignoring their customers completely and switching to a cheaper, less functional can for their Ocean Spray cranberry sauce. The traditional way for eating this common holiday condiment (or is it a side dish, as I maintain?) is to cut both ends out of the can and slide it out onto a platter, slice it and it's ready to serve. But, no, Ocean Spray has ignored customer complaints about the new can and went ahead anyway. Now, you have two choices: dig the jellied sauce out of the can with a spoon, which is just plain wrong, or, turn the can upside down and pound the daylights out of the bottom with an ice pick (which I did last week; ice pics are dangerous when people are hungry). After puncturing the bottom of the can a few times, you have to then flip the can over and cut the can lid off of the one end that the can opener will work on, and shake until the contents come out. From all of us who still eat canned, jellied cranberry sauce at the holidays, boo and hiss on Ocean Spray. (And yes, I always cook real cranberries, too, but the jellied is a tradition, a nod to the days of t.v. dinners and black and white television). Ocean Spray, hire a packaging consultant. If you agree, and want to tell Ocean Spray what you think about their customer un-friendly can, here's the contact link to send them your comments: http://www.oceanspray.com/contact/

And kudos to companies like The HerbPharm, Lavender Lane and Evening Shade Farms, that care about the environment and conduct their businesses in ethical, sustainable ways.
Here's to a better year ahead for each and everyone who read this blog. Thank you, I appreciate you all!
I didnt know you had a herb biz, I will be checking it out;)
I agree about the ocean spray...and the look on the cat ornaments face is how I looked this morning when I got up and saw all the snow I would have to shovel...arggg
happy new yr:)
Oh I hooted when I read through this you old curmudgeon. Here is the funny thing. I make cranberry sauce with orange peel, but my son STILL loves his Nonie's can o' sauce, but he demands the ring lines be intact as it slips out of the can, which we know can't happen now. They blew it. It may be easier for Ocean Spray, but it is harder for the consumer to access.
Love you,
You certainly named two of my favorites: Evening Shade Farms and HerbPharm! Evening Shade for wonderful elder salve for healing skin owies and also for her "Herbal Youth," which accounts for my loverly complexion. :+] And Herb Pharm for Rhodiola and Hawthorn, which are two of my most important herbal friends.
One of my pet peeves is companies that end us samples, etc., in a bazillion times more packaging than is necessary or even rational. Really? You need to pack one little jar of salve in a huge box, surrounded by bubble wrap and secured in place by ginormous cardboard panels? Really?
Thanks for this blog post, amigo!
I agree with your rant on ocean spray canned cranberry sauce. It stopped me from buying it. I now make my own from the recipe in the cookbook, joy of cooking, for the spiced cranberry sauce and will NEVER go back to the canned version even if Oceanspray fixes the can. My family loves the homemade one, and raves about it to all their friends. It will even turn non-cranberry sauce lovers into cranberry sauce eaters!
Today's posting shows more of what I do, thanks for the urging, Sharon, Steven and Anonymous. And Sharon, go ahead and brag on "still picking basil." We're still picking ice out of the pansies here.
Thanks for the folks who wrote regarding Uline. It seems my attempts through their customer service got no farther than a very ill-informed customer service rep. At the urging of some of the readers, I persisted and today - hooray. A customer service rep that didn't say, "No, we cant'do that." We were "allowed" to opt-out of multiple mailings and a catalog in every box and now, instead of the 30-50 one pound catalogs a year, we are supposed to only receive 2! Horray, thanks for the kind readers who helped.
The solution sometimes takes fewer lines than the problem:
run a thin knife blade down the inside of the Cranberry sauce can as you turn the can upside down.
The cans are labeled upside down so the air in the can is at the (new) top. A thin knife blade will introduce enough air to release the suction.
I came to say what Nell Jean said, but she already said it quite well. Butter knife = solution to cranberry problem. It'll slide right out in one big, chunk, ridges and all.
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