With freeze warnings for tonight I've brought the baby achocha vines in from the coldframe. Eggplants, peppers and marigolds will fare fine there. The whitebud tree that my plant buddy, Brent Divis gave me some years back is in full bloom. With the redbud in the background it is a nice contrast.
The clove-scented flowers of the black currants fill the air and the lilacs are just opening.

We in the Ozarks have been experiencing record breaking rains. If you would like to see the flooding - a hundred year record, go to this link for yesterday's photos: http://s194.photobucket.com/albums/z280/JimElong/FLOOD/
There are some views of my plants now in bloom and my upper garden just click here. Then you can watch as a slide show or enlarge individual photos. We have customers who use photos of our garden as their screen savers, too. Leave comments, we always like hearing from folks who visit our blog.
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