
A Trip to Rush

Any travel is a challenge at the moment for everyone. For those of us in the high-risk category there are extra worries, precautions, preparations, anxiety to deal with. Josh and I do very little away from the farm. He makes a trip each week to check on employees at the Sheltered Workshop who do product our packaging. I go off-farm about once every 10 days to do the early morning grocery drive-up and pickup outside WallyWorld.

Yesterday was a fun change of pace and we made a trip to the ghost town of Rush, Arkansas. Or more precisely, to visit friends who live near there, close to the Buffalo National River. The trip was part business, part pleasure. There were no stops along the way, we took our own picnic food and our friends made their own lunch and we sat in the shaded patio outside and visited. This is David and Donna, long time friends and self-sufficient homesteaders.
David and Donna, adventurous homesteaders. They aren't your ordinary Ma and Pa Kettle.
They escaped New Orleans the day before hurricane Katrina hit, moving first to Fayetteville while working on establishing their homestead.

Their goal: live on the land in a beautiful location away from the city and produce all, or at least most, of everything they consume. To do that, they have extensive gardens, chickens, goats, bees, a production kitchen, greenhouses, orchards, berries and more. Canning, drying, freezing keep the larders filled.

Donna is working this year with dye plants, particularly woad, indigo and other textile dye plants, which they are growing in the garden. Donna is an incredible designer and artist so I expect to see some amazing weaving as a result of her experiments in the future.

Both David and Donna are musical and it isn't unusual for acquaintances to come visit, musicians, puppeteers, artists from across the country. The farm is like an arts oasis in the deep woods. (Interesting example, the NPR commentator, author, blogger, Andreu Cordrescu, is a neighbor when he's not in New York).

View of the house from a section of garden. On the left is a field of buckwheat, a green fodder cover crop that will be plowed under to help with soil fertility. In the meantime, nearby hives of bees are collecting nectar for some amazing buckwheat honey.

Grape arbor. There aren't many things edible, they don't grow.

Rows of basil and peanuts. Not shown in the photos are the greenhouses where they grow tomatoes, peppers and salad crops during winter months. Drip irrigation provides irrigation throughout.

Flowers for bees and butterflies provide pollinators for the vegetable crops.

Probably the best, most tasteful chicken house in Arkansas! Barely visible is the double electric fencing that surrounds the entire 2+ acres of garden.

Produce shed for drying onions, beans, peanuts, potatoes, squash with a tasteful gate in the distance.

The goat barn, heaven for the goat herd, fun for the eyes, Josh admiring.

Just a gorgeous zinnia. They are about to add more large growing areas for cut flowers.

The smaller of two intern cabins. The other is more dorm-like, with several rooms, a central area with a kitchen, and a great room including a grand piano. Lucky interns who get to work in this wonderful place!

Josh and David, admiring the truck patch. The truck harbors an arbor for squash. Just think, most people would haul away an old junk vehicle, but why, when you can grow a crop there?

And that is our trip to David & Donna's farmstead, a fine roadtrip and a fun visit with friends.

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