
Valentine's Gift, Dream Pillows

Tuesday, Feb. 8
We have a winner! Evangela Potts, a friend from long ago in the former Joplin Herb Club, emailed this morning to say the angel is sitting beside a clump of chives. "Vangie" as we knew her, was just a kid back then. In fact (and I didn't expect anyone to actually know the variety) she said it looked larger than most chives, and she was right. It's a commercial variety from Richters' Herbs called 'Grolou' which is larger, more prolific and an outstanding variety. Thank you everyone for your guesses and for checking out our website. And for Vangie's being the 5th one, we'll be sending her the Valentine Special Dream Pillow. And for anyone who wants to order one, order today and we can get it in the mail in time for Valentine's Day.

Since February is the month of Valentines, roses and Dream Pillows, let's have a contest. This is for anyone who is currently a follower of this blog (or for anyone who reads it and hurries up and becomes a follower).

In case you don't know how, just click the Follow button above the list of followers, on the upper right side of the blog. You'll be given several options, including signing up for a Google account (which is easy and nothing bad happens to you when you do, it's free and you won't get spam or anything) or you can follow anonymously. Of course I'd rather you follow publicly so I can know who you are but maybe you're in hiding and need to be invisible. Then follow the next step which is to say which way email account you would like to be notified when I post a new message on this blog. That's it. It's simple, painless and easy. Hit the Follow button.

So, the contest. I'm doing it for a couple of reasons. Actually three. First, I want to draw attention to our completely, newly redesigned website, LongCreekHerbs.com, easier to use, new photos, a garden tour and you can even download free photos of our garden for your computer desktop. We're proud of the nice changes and hope you will be, too.

Second, I want to promote our Valentine's Day Special. It's a Romantic Dream Pillow, with my Dream Pillows and Love Potions book, mailed to you or anyone you choose in a box stuffed with fragrant, dried roses and rose petals. It's a unique, thoughtful Valentine gift for your someone special. It's $14.95 plus shipping and you can see it on our Dream Pillows page.

And my third reason is to get more people who already read my blog, to sign up to Follow it.

This open to anyone who is a follower of this blog. The contest?

Take the Virtual Tour of our herb garden from the home page of our website. Send me the answer to this question: What is the plant the terra cotta angel is sitting beside?

Email the answer to me at Longcreekherbs@yahoo.com. The 5th email with the right answer wins.

And what is the prize? It is our Valentine's Day Special, mailed to you or someone you choose. There's still time we don't have a 5th email with a right answer yet.


  1. These are so pretty!
    You don't know this, but a number of years ago you saved my skin with your dream pillow kits. We had several herb classes to do with the local school kids, but had inadvertently sold out of everything on hand at the greenhouse. We quickly ordered several boxes of your goodies, and received them in record time. The kids had a blast making them and the classes on went without a hitch :)
    The new website looks great,I love the cyber-walk through!

  2. jim Long2/07/2011

    That's so kind Rhonda. I'm glad our dream kit helped. We have a customer who gets the Kit for 50 a couple of times a year and takes it to a nursing home where the residents love making their own Dream Pillows. And the nurses like it because the residents all sleep so well at night. Thanks for your kind words!

  3. Thank you so much Jim! I enjoyed exploring your website and will be back for sure to explore it. I came across your blog last summer and have been following it ever since. I still keep learning a lot from you and all the others I grew up knowing. Thanks for the knowledge and the entertaining blog. -Vangie


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