
Rare Dancing Tea Plant

Dancing Tea Plant

Udorn Dancing Tea

My good friend, Joe Javorchik, gave me 4 dancing tea seedlings last spring. I knew nothing about the plant and he hadn't grown it before, either. I did some searching on the internet and found that it's from Thailand, from the town (or area) of Udorn. It is reportedly a cross between Codariocalyx motorius and Ohashi leguminosae.

Dancing tea is also known as the "Telegraph Plant", due to the plant's ability to respond to sounds like music, singing, gentle talk, and supposedly, to meditation and telepathy by moving it's leaves with movements comparable to the Thai classical dance. Extracts from this herb has been used ancient Thailand as a preventive against several diseases. They called it by the name Cha Chalor Chara, meaning "anti-aging tea".Dancing tea is a medicinal tea herb and you can find more information about it here: http://www.kirjon.com/sacred-sites/orchid.htm

The intriguing habit of the plant is to respond to music. It will "dance" to whistling, singing or music on the radio. Here's an interesting video from YouTube to demonstrate what the plant does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBqlluBPjCo

I wasn't sure whether it was a sun-loving or a shade loving plant, so I planted the 3 plants Joe gave me as seedlings, in full sun, part sun and almost full shade. The two that thrived were the shade and part shade located plants. The part shade plant reached more than waist high by mid summer. I've not tried the leaf tea yet, but I have dug the plants and brought them indoors.

The plant is important because of it's high concentration of antioxidants and considerable research is being conducted in Thailand on the plant's healing and anti-aging properties.


  1. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Dear Jim: How far are your gardens from Branson, MO, and which way? I am interested because you mentioned figs, and I have a fig tree (bush). Can you tell me a way to keep it from freezing each year so I can have a crop? Also, how to tell whether it needs trimmed back, i.e. dead wood. We missed out on most of this year's crop, thinking the freeze killed the branches. We cut it back and it was not dead. Most years it dies back so there is no crop of figs. Thanks for any advice. Barbara Reish, Kirbyville, MO 417-334-6165

  2. Anonymous11/17/2008

    And here's how to grow it:


  3. I had no idea this dancing plant was a real thing...I saw an artificial one on the internet here http://yovia.com/blogs/gizmo/2009/10/29/dance-pekoppa-dance/ and after doing research I come to find a natural plant can do the same thing? Mind boggeling I must get one!

  4. Anonymous5/23/2011

    I would like to know how/where to get seeds /plants of the dancing tea please.


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